Viral conjunctivitis (Clinical classification, causative organism, symptoms, treatment)

Most of the viral infection is caused by an adenovirus that affects the epithelium both of conjunctivitis and cornea. 

Causative organism

  1. Adenovirus conjunctivitis
  2. Herpes complex keratoconjunctivitis 
  3. Herpes zoster conjunctivitis 
  4. Myxovirus conjunctivitis
  5. Paramyxovirus conjunctivitis

Clinical Classification

  1. Acute serous conjunctivitis
  2. Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
  3. Acute follicular


  1. Redness of the eye
  2. Watering of the eye 
  3. Mild photophobia 
  4. Mild mucoid discharge
  5. Foreign body sensation


It is usually supportive treatment
Antiviral drugs are in effect.
  • Supportive treatment 
  • For conjunctival hyperemia and discomfort
  1. Topical artificial tear
  2. Topical flurbiprofen 
  • For secondary infection prevention
  • Broad-spectrum antibiotic eye drop
  • For pain and inflammation
  • Systemic analgesic oral medicine
  1. Tab paracetamol 500mg
  • Antiviral drugs
  • Ointment Acyclovir


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