Hyperacute Bacterial Conjunctivitis | Etiology, Symptoms,Signs, Treatments

Hyperacute bacterial conjunctivitis is also known as acute purulent conjunctivitis or acute amenorrhea is characterized by a violent inflammatory response.

It occurs in two forms

  1. Adult purulent conjunctivitis
  2. Ophthalmia neonatorum in newborn
  •  Hyperacute Conjunctivitis of Adults  (Gonococcal conjunctivitis)


The disease affects adults, predominantly males, gonococcal infection directly spreads from genitals to eye. Presently, the incidence of gonococcal conjunctivitis has markedly decreased.


  1. Pain which is moderate to severe.
  2. Purulent discharge, which is usually copious, 
  3. Swelling of eyelids, which is usually marked.
  4. Discomfort and foreign body sanitation
  5. Photophobia


  1. Eyelids are tense and swollen 
  2. Tenderness is marked
  3. Discharge is thick purulent, copious trickling down the cheeks.
  4. Conjunctiva shows marked chemosis, congestion and papillae, giving bright red velvety appearance.
  5. Frequently, a pseudomembrane may be seen on the conjunctival surface.


  1. Systemic Treatments
  2. Topical antibiotic therapy
  3. Irrigation of the eye frequently with saline is very therapeutic in washing away.
  4. Tropical atropine 1%


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