Ptosis of eyelid | symptoms| cause| Risk factors| Diagnosis| Treatment|

Ptosis of eyelid Contents [ hide ] The abnormal drooping of the upper eyelid is called Ptosis which is due to trauma, age, or various medical disorders Normally, the upper lid covers about the upper one-sixth of the cornea,i.e., about 2mm. So, that ptosis covers more than 2 mm. In the medical team, this condition is known as unilateral ptosis when it affects only one eye and bilateral ptosis when it affects both eyes. It is common to come and go or it might be permanent. If it is due to birth, then it is known as congenital ptosis, or which can develop later in life is known as acquired ptosis. Talking about the severity of the condition droopy upper eyelid can block or can reduce vision. Etiology Congenital Acquired Neurogenic ptosis Acquired myogenic ptosis Aponeurotic ptosis Mechanical ptosis Cause In newborn babies, it is caused due to birth. It can also be found in adults due to damaged nerves that control eyelid muscles. It may be due to injury or disease that weakens th...