
Showing posts from February, 2021

What is Trichiasis? (Etiology, Symptoms, Signs, Treatment)

It refers to the inward misdirection of cilia (which rub against the eyeball) with the normal position of the lid margin . Trichiasis is a common lid abnormality. The condition in which your eyelashes start growing in the wrong direction. When your eyelashes turn inward to wards your eye. They can rub against your eyeball and it will cause problems. Trichiasis don't have any specific age to cause. But it is seen more common in adults. Cause Eye infection Information (swelling) of eyelid Autoimmune condition Trauma Symptoms You may feel irrigation ( foreign body sensation) Redness Tearing Sensitivity to light (photophobia) Pain and lacrimation If your eyelashes rub against the corner for long periods of time it may cause corneal abrasion or corneal ulcer. Etiology  Common causes of trichiasis are: cicatrizing trachoma Ulcerative blepharitis/bacterial Healed membranous Conjunctivitis/diphtheria,  Hordeolum externum,  Mechanical injuries,  burn, and Operative scar on t...

Viral conjunctivitis (Clinical classification, causative organism, symptoms, treatment)

Most of the viral infection is caused by an adenovirus that affects the epithelium both of conjunctivitis and cornea.  Causative organism Adenovirus conjunctivitis Herpes complex keratoconjunctivitis  Herpes zoster conjunctivitis  Myxovirus conjunctivitis Paramyxovirus conjunctivitis Clinical Classification Acute serous conjunctivitis Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis Acute follicular Symptoms Redness of the eye Watering of the eye  Mild photophobia  Mild mucoid discharge Foreign body sensation Treatment It is usually supportive treatment Antiviral drugs are in effect. Supportive treatment  For conjunctival hyperemia and discomfort Topical artificial tear Topical flurbiprofen  For secondary infection prevention Broad-spectrum antibiotic eye drop For pain and inflammation Systemic analgesic oral medicine Tab paracetamol 500mg Antiviral drugs Ointment Acyclovir

Allergic Conjunctivitis | Types | Symptoms | Causes | Treatment

Allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva due to allergic or hypersensitivity reaction. It happens due to some allergic substance that makes the body’s immune system overreacting. Conjunctivitis Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis Contact conjunctivitis    Giant papillary conjunctivitis 4.     Perennial Conjunctivitis Symptoms You may notice Redness in your eyes You may have intense pain Mild mucoid discharge  Photophobia   Foreign body sensation Blurred vision Treatment Tropical Antibiotics Irrigate the conjunctival sac with sterile warm saline once or twice a day Dark Goggles  Anti-Inflammatory and analgesic drugs Preventions Donot share your towel Keep distance with pets Wash your bed cover and pillow cover regularly. Use goggles Use your eye drops and go for regular check-up Written by Barsha Panth